coaching is a powerful tool for developing self-mastery

it is a practice for improvement seekers. it is for those who want to transform, develop, reskill, learn and grow - personally and professionally.

Coaching is a resource for developing self-awareness, clarity, goal-setting, building new skills, shifting behaviors, breaking habits, disrupting patterns, and reporgramming the mind.

Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to getting a total understanding of who you are - your lifestyle, values, super-powers, habits, and the things that make you tick. We work with your triggers, obstacles and limiting beliefs - not against them - to meet you where you are, and customize a plan that is structured for success when executed by you specifically.

  • Targeted

    We cut right down to the meat. In addition to generating a plan for achieving your goals, we move past the surface of actions and results, and dig into the root causes so we can better understand how you are programmed and work with who you are today, get down to the core of what is getting in the way of your goals, and get it out of the way to pave the path for who you want to be and what you want to generate.

  • Integrative

    Deep and lasting results - this is the big difference between what we will do in our sessions, and all the other things you’ve tried that did not work. Both in and beyond our weekly sessions, we will leverage a variety of tools, practices, and methods to create a shift in not just what you do in life, butg how you show up in life. By shifting who you are being rather than just what you are doing, you generate true transformation that can last a lifetime. Beyond coaching, we integrate ontology, NLP, breathwork, books and articles, meditation and mindfulness practices, TedTalks, Positive Intelligence reps, leadership tools, and more.

  • Weekly 60-minute, 1-on-1 sessions

  • Comprehensive, guided self-discovery

  • Personalized plan and accountability structure

  • Resources and practices to engage with between sessions

  • Guidance and support via email/Whatsapp as needed

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles

  • Everything you need to generate your ideal experience of life

What you’ll get

How you’ll feel

more SELF-AWARE, clearheaded, and EMpowered.

It will be as if you took back the remote control after a lifetime of watching whatever was Already on


what is your coaching philosophy?

My philosophy is that life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Science has proven that 95% of our decisions are made by the subconscious mind. With this awareness, we can leverage coaching to help our conscious minds understand and speak to our subconscious minds, resulting in powerful influence on our decisions, and thus our outcomes.

I believe that the client does at least 90% of the work in coaching, and here’s why: any meaningful change requires 20% insight and 80% practice. Within our sessions, we will partner together to create the insights and design the practices. It is then the client’s responsibility to leverage the accountability structures we have put in place to ensure that the practice gets done. This happens between sessions, and is critical for generating real, lasting results. For this reason, I only work with clients who are serious about making a change.

how do we meet and for how long do we work together?

Sessions are held through video conferencing for 60 minutes each week. The length of our coaching partnership will vary based on your unique needs and goals. We generally suggest a minimum of 3 months of working together, as any less than that can feel like taking the cookies out of the oven after just a few minutes - you end up with a lot of mush.

what is expected of me as the coachee?

As the coachee, beyond attending sessions and completing practices between them, you are responsible for generating your results. You get as much out as you put in. The expectations are for you to show up for yourself, give as much as you would like to get, and be totally honest - with me and yourself. With a mutual and vigorous commitment to honesty and putting in the work, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish with the support of coaching.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy or consulting?

Coaching is co-creative without any authoritative component, and where the client, being the subject, is actually the subject-matter expert. This contrasts with consulting, where a trusted advisor is providing recommendations, advice, and expertise to solve a problem or fill a gap. Coaching focuses primarily on the present and future, and holds that the client is whole and fully capable of generating his or her own results. This differs from therapy, which provides clinical mental health care to help individuals manage and reduce symptoms of mental illness or conditions, with a heavy focus on the past. The goal of coaching, is a key differentiator. Coaching is not aimed towards healing or problem-solving, but towards generating desired outcomes by creating self-awareness, distinguishing goals, and developing self-mastery.

Can I do coaching while also in therapy?

Unlike Absolutely! Coaching and therapy complement each other really well, creating a powerful combination of work on your past, present, and future self.

nothing has worked in the past. What if I don’t have what it takes to achiveve my goals?

If you are asking that question, our first order of business will be understanding the root of this self-doubt. Part of this process will be distinguishing past experience from future potential. It is an intrinsic survival mechanism to deduce that past failures can be indicators for future outcomes. This mental shortcut comes in handy when we are in real danger, and also gets in our way when there is no real threat. Together, we will work through this and any other limiting beliefs, opening the floodgates to your unlimited field of possibility.